20200406a- Term 2 e-Learning COVID19

It’s the start of Term 2 2020 and my two subjects for this term are Financial Management and Financial Accounting. Having my background in accounting I am feeling confident, though it has been some years since I studied the subjects at uni and I have predominantly worked with small and micro business since that time. It is has been a while since my last post and a lot has happened. First I passed my two subjects for Term 4 2019 being Data Analysis and Managing People which I am incredibly pleased with. I then had the End of Year break before returning back.

In term 1 I only did one subject being Marketing. I found this to be an incredibly practical and applicable subject for applying to my work and in business. For this reason I loved the subject. I have yet to find out my results for it though. I only did the one subject as I was travelling for work in regional Victoria and the subject was on a Monday night, allowing me to travel Tuesday through to Friday aweay from Melbourne.

But 3 weeks ago there were restrictions around travel and groups of people gathering with COVID19. As a result I was told to work from home and Melbourne Business School has closed. We had our Term 1 exams online and I have been working and studying at home for the last three weeks.

Now in Term 2 this is a new experience for me of using online or e-learning. One of the main reasons I relocated to Melbourne was to gain the advantage of the network of the stucent cohort that study at MBS. Now, like many workplaces, we are having to adapt and be innovative on how we remote work. So this will be something new for me to learn and adjust to.