20200422a- Week 3 Financial Accounting, Financial Management and Critical Role

I am half way through Week 3 for Term 2 and things are progressing well. This is a quick recap of what we covered for the subjects I am doing this term. For Financial Management we have started looking at equity valuations or stock valuations. This incluces preference shares and ordinary shares. We have looked at several valuation mdoels including Discounted Cash Flow Models with the Gordon Growth Model, the Two Stage Model and the Price Earnings or P/E Ratio model.

Financial Accounting we have started to look at the accounting theory which is bringing up memories of studying at university and for part of the CA Program. We are first looking at Revenue Recognition. While it may seem straight forward, it isn’t! You have to consider the accounting recognition of when you recognise the revenue and how much you recognise. Some examples we have looked at are the sale of a new car with accessories and warranty and the sale of a mobile phone with apps and service updates.

For work and play I have finished my reporting and now back to calling and talking to our members at Kinaway. For me in my personal down time I have been caught into watching snippets of Critical Role, a show that involves adults playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Matthew Mercer is an excellent Game Master/story teller/narrator of the players conquest as a voice actor. The only thing is the episodes go for 4 hours so I have been jumping in and out of the episodes during work and study breaks.

Finally I hope to be bringing you another interview shortly with a a fellow MBA student at the Melbourne Business School.